10:10:15 pm on
Monday 10 Mar 2025

Bar Roseanne
Matt Seinberg

I enjoy a good joke as much as does the next person. When it goes over the line and is offensive to mostly everybody, it's no longer funny. Roseanne Barr crossed the line, last week, making inappropriate and offensive comments, on Twitter, regarding millionaire George Soros; former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, and former senior advisor to Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett.

Cast and crew out of work.

The firestorm of outrage that followed was certainly justified. ABC-TV, owned by the Walt Disney Company, abruptly cancelled the reboot of the Roseanne sitcom, which put Barr as well as her cast and crew out of work. Such is the freelance lifestyle, I guess.

Currently there is speculation that a spin-off of sorts may be in the works, starring Sara Gilbert, once again playing Darlene Connor. The problem is if any kind of Roseanne spin-off shoots, Barr earns royalties because she created the characters. At this point, no one wants her to get anything, so that project might be dead before it even happens.

Although I've never been a huge Roseanne Barr fan, I did like the stand-up comedy routine she did when she became "the domestic goddess." This, in her words, means being a wife, mother and homemaker.

Any spouse and parent can empathize and sympathize with the plight of an overworked, stressed out character. There are days I feel that if I get out of bed the world is going to collapse around me. Then there are the days where I'll get out of bed ready to take on whatever life tosses at me.

Does that make me a "domestic god?" I don't think so. I wish it did.

I don't believe there is any place for any celebrity to make inappropriate remarks about another person or, for that matter, any person. Remarks regarding what a person does or doesn’t do are okay, but not the person. That’s ad hominin and out of bounds.

If you have incorrect thoughts, try to keep them to yourself; don't put them out for the entire world to see. If you do, be ready to accept the blowback that comes with such comments and apologize for them, quickly. I'm not talking about just saying the words, but actually meaning them.

After her remarks hit the world, Roseanne tried to blame them on Ambien, the prescription sleep medication. Here's the response from Sanofi, the manufacturer of Ambien.

Racism is not a side-effect of Ambien.

"[Although] all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects,” the press release from the maker of Ambien makes clear, “racism is not a known side effect of any [of our] medicationa." Wow, did that make Barr look even more like a total horse's behind, on a good day.

I believe that there is a special place, on some remote island, where disgraced people should go instead of prison. Send all the serial killers, Roseanne, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and all the other idiots that have been in the news for the past year or so. They eat what they can cultivate and grow, with monthly shipments of other necessities flown in monthly. Let's see who can survive.

There will be no guards, on the island, only the inmates. The only way off is to swim through open sea, heavily ingested with sharks. The island I imagine is worse than Devil’s Island, a prison, in French Guiana, operated by France from 1862 until 1953.

I'd certainly like to see Weinstein go after Roseanne! She'd beat his fat ass down, for sure. That's dreaming, I suppose, but, then, again, I can hope.

After her time on the island, make sure Roseanne is never, ever on television again. A person, as is she, pollutes the public airwaves by her presence. Even her ex-husband, Tom Arnold, distanced himself from her and we certainly can't blame him for that.

At home on Fox?

If any of the premium pay channels wants to put her back on television, they best prepare for the backlash. Her abuse is going to remain in the public mind for a long time. That said and hoped, I betcha she ends up on Fox.

Matt Seinberg lives on Long Island, a few minutes east of New York City. He looks at everything around him and notices much. Somewhat less cynical than dyed in the wool New Yorkers, Seinberg believes those who don't see what he does like reading about what he sees and what it means to him. Seinberg columns revel in the silly little things of life and laughter as well as much well-directed anger at inept, foolish public officials. Mostly, Seinberg writes for those who laugh easily at their own foibles as well as those of others.

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