11:03:52 pm on
Monday 10 Mar 2025

A Brief Review
Streeter Click

No matter how successful you believe your on-line business, you're wrong. You're losing customers and money, right now. Your future is at stake. You need to read "The Rich Jerk," and find out how much you're missing.

Seems extreme, but it's surely true. "The Rich Jerk" is that good. Many supposed gurus secretly clutch "The Rich Jerk" to their breast. They reword, repackage and resell "The Rich Jerk," for an arm and a leg. You can get what the gurus know for $9.95, at least for now.

"The Rich Jerk" cuts to the chase. There's no fluff, no outlandish promises. This book is 65 pages of clear explanations of how to make money, on-line, and why this advice works.

"The Rich Jerk" isn't a swindle. It doesn't cloak a multilevel-marketing scheme. This is the information you need to succeed on-line. "The Rich Jerk" is the essential read. This is necessary reading for everybody doing business on-line.

More than a generation ago, Joe Karbo made money by helping readers with "The Lazy Man's Way to Riches." In the 1970s, he was a folk hero, of sorts. Karbo helped with black and white instructions about how-to-do-what-you-must-do to succeed in the mail-order business; there was no Internet in 1970s.

Karbo did a lot more than simply writing, "do this or that" to make money. He revealed a mind-set that transcended money. He offered a philosophy of life, which ensured the reader would succeed and make a difference. The Karbo philosophy worked if you went into your own business, toiled in an office or sweated for a buck in retail sales; it even helped homemakers, students and retirees.

Karbo understood a basic rule of teaching, that is, to explain. When you get a set of black and white steps to follow, "A then B and C," that's all you can do. Add something new to the mix and you're lost -- the ABCs won't work.

When there's no explanation, you don't learn principles, only steps. Knowing what steps to take is good, as long as the playing field doesn't change. If the playing field changes, the steps won't work, but the principles, absent from your expensive e-book, almost surely still apply.

Explaining the whys and wherefores of A, B and C, "do A because ...," you can respond to change, you can adjust. This is the Karbo secret. This is the success of his success. Explain principles, so the reader can adapt to changing circumstances. Success for Joe Karbo was in a simple idea, that is, to explain. His book continues to sell, well.

Many men and women bought "The Lazy Man's Way to Riches" hoping to earn money, and did. A thousand times more found their lives improved, after reading Karbo. Wealth, as Karbo knew, takes many forms. Financial is only one of those forms, and empty without the others.

"The Rich Jerk" follows in the tradition of Joe Karbo. He includes what you need to know, in black and white, to make money on-line. More important, he brings the Karbo philosophy, perhaps unintentionally, to the Internet and into the 21st century.

Although it sounds hyperbolic, it's true. You can't do business on the Internet and succeed, if you haven't read, devoured, "The Rich Jerk." I didn't believe it, either. Then I read, "The Rich Jerk."

Any decision you make needs hardy dose of common sense and, especially where your hard-earned money at stake. Triple the dose and take it twice when considering an on-line business. Here's the preventive prescription for every Internet business newbie: read "The Rich Jerk" or fail, almost for sure.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of books about how to make a million dollars on the Internet. The intent, of most, is good and they hope to help you. A few are swindles: be wary. Most are illiterate.

Many well-intentioned gurus, that is, authors, are so illiterate you can't follow their instructions. They seldom offer any explanation, clear, of their ideas or tactics. After you spend days trying to figure out what's what, you throw up your hands and scream, "GRZHTCZ!!!!," realizing you wasted $97 for an illiterate, if honest, e-book.

Software lets anybody make a "get rich quick on the Internet" or any e-book. Often, humans take a limited role in creating an e-book. You enter keywords and phrases and software produces a book, using a set of rules. These rules are inanely illiterate. The result's an e-book, which is unintelligible.

"The Rich Jerk," by any standard, is literate, easily understood and surely written by a warm body. He clearly gives you enough information to develop an action plan. He gives you choices and explains how to respond to the workings of the Internet. More than a generation ago, Joe Karbo wrote, "The Lazy Man's Way to Riches," which sold hundreds of thousands of copies and made many women and men wealthy. "The Rich Jerk" is a worthy heir to Karbo.

I keep referring to "The Rich Jerk" as he. Supposedly, "The Rich Jerk" is Kelly Felix, a 27-year-old Californian, who's made a fortune on the Internet. In 2005, he sold a web site he built from scratch. The selling price of this website was almost $400,000. He used the same advice he gives you, in "The Rich Jerk," to build, profit and sell this web site. Currently, Felix is CEO of Guess What I Heard, a flourishing on-line community.

His confidence abounds, as it should. Felix reveals many of the websites he used to earn millions of dollars. You can verify each of them. You'll decide he's as good as his word.

"The Rich Jerk" prepares you, well, for doing business on the Internet. The advice is sound and effective, if often coarse and deliberately blunt. Business, on-line or not, is usually self-is and aggressive; "The Rich Jerk" attitude isn't out of line.

Felix offers a few suggestions that are cutthroat, slippery or just barely ethical. Unlike several more recent e-books, on the same topic, "The Rich Jerk" doesn't show you how or suggest you steal customers and sales from the competition; win over customers, yes, but commit a crime, no. Felix explains these at-the-edge tactics, he implies, so you know about these tactics, if only to avoid.

His agenda of what to do, such as choosing keywords and Meta tagging, is worth the price of the "The Rich Jerk." Still, some advice is a bit much for newbies. More advanced ideas, such as AdSense arbitrage, comprise an agenda of what's possible, of what to keep in mind as you learn and look for opportunities.

"The Rich Jerk" continues to make you think, long after you've bought it. This is a reference document, an investment. "The Rich Jerk" grows with you.

In an advertisement, promoting "The Rich Jerk," the writer claims he spent $3,000.00 on how-to-make-a-million-on-the-Internet books before parting with $9.95 for"The Rich Jerk." The 30 or more e-books he bought didn't help him make one red cent. A few hours after buying, reading and putting into action the advice offered by "The Rich Jerk," he started to sell his product.

There are many such claims about "The Rich Jerk," circulating on the Internet. Some must be true. My guess is many are true.

Felix claims, in his advertisements, "He's rich and you're not." You'll know why after reading his e-book. Remember, the attitude, that is, "You're stupid and I'm not," is an act, a work. Though it may put off some people, the attitude is to hold your attention, so Felix can help you earn money. He does, and you will.

Right now, "The Rich Jerk" is on sale for $9.95, and Felix throws in a free website, to give his offer added appeal. The 65-page e-book is worth 100 times the $9.95 price. If you don't agree or the advice doesn't work for you, there's a 60-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee. Click here to buy "The Rich Jerk," now.


The new "Rich Jerk" product, "Affiliate X-ray," launched around noon on 20 March 2007. "Rich Jerk" claims his new product enables Google-like keyword-to-sales tracking on ClickBank, Commission Junction and Linkshare. More and better information is always good for business.

At $1,497 for the "I own it" version and $997 for the hosted version, Affiliate X-ray is expensive. Both versions include a two-month course, videos and written material. Allegedly, related software is around the bend, for another $97.

Felix claims his weekend seminars fetch $9,800, per attendee. As a result, $997 is a deal. He implies Affiliate X-ray gives you the same insight and training as his weekend seminars. If this claim is true, he's likely out of the weekend seminar business and a lot of attendees are upset. A grain of salt should season all or part of this claim.

Affiliate X-ray has some apparent flaws, which undermine it's worth. Is, for example, one sale from one keyword worth a ranking of 100 out of 100? Search the forums, today, for reviews and comments.

Some Internet marketing experts, many who are impartial, hint at a paradox associated with Affiliate X-ray. If, they write, you have the level of knowledge and skill to put this strategy to work, you already know about it and are likely using it. Early feedback suggests middle-range Internet marketers, say, those with at least year of experience, will benefit most from this strategy, but it'll overwhelm newbies.

Newbies are well advised to start with "The Rich Jerk" e-book and grow into Affiliate X-ray.

No there's no link to Affiliate X-ray, as I and we don't endorse it.

Streeter Click is editor of GrubStreet.ca.

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